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FERS High-3 Calculator 2023


Your high-3 is a crucial part in determining what your FERS pension is going to be in retirement.


This article will walk you through how you can calculate your high-3 to better understand and maximize your retirement.


If you want more information about how to calculate your pension, check out this guide. 


What is Your FERS High-3 Salary?


Your high-3 salary is your average annual salary during your highest paid consecutive 36 months of your career. Your highest paid 3 years will often be your last 3 years but it doesn’t have to be. 


FERS High-3 Salary Example


So if you were paid the most between 2019 and 2021 and your salaries were as follows:


2019: 95k

2020: 100k

2021: 105k


Then your high-3 salary will be 100k as that is the average of the 3. 


However, your high-3 doesn’t have to be perfect calendar years (January-December). 


For example, your high-3 could be from June 2018-June 2020. 

What is Included In Your High-3


Unfortunately, not all types of pay will be included in your high-3.


These types of pay are included in your high-3:


-Your Base Salary


-Shift Rates


-Locality Pay

These types of pay are normally not included in your high-3


-Overtime Pay


-Overseas Cost of Living Adjustments




-Cash Awards


-Travel Allowances

How to Maximize your High-3 Salary


There are 2 main ways to trying maximize your high-3


  1. Hold high paying positions for at least 3 years

  2. Move to a location/position with high locality pay for at least 3 years


Bonus Tip: Some federal employees move to an area with a very high cost of living during their last 3 years of their career in efforts to increase their pension for the rest of their lives. They then move in retirement to a low cost of living area. 


How Working One Extra Year Affects Your High-3


How much of a difference working one extra year will make will depend on your specific situation and salary. But let’s do an example to give you an idea.


Let’s say high-3 years of pay are as follows: 


2019: 95k

2020: 100k

2021: 105k


But if you were to work another year then your salary for that year would be 110k. How would that affect your high-3?


So now your highest 3 years are:


2020: 100k

2021: 105k

2022: 110k


So instead of a high-3 of 100k your high-3 is now 105k. 

How Working One Extra Year Affects Your Pension


But after all, while a good high-3 is nice, what we are all after is a high pension. 


So how does your high-3 affect your pension?

This article walks you through exactly how to calculate your pension and how your high-3 will impact your pension.