Contact us: or (520) 843-1559

Common Questions and Our Answers

How do you make money?


We are a commission-free (a.k.a. fee-only) financial planning firm for FERS federal employees. Our fees depend on the complexity of your situation but our fees are always very transparent. Some financial advisors are commission-based, which may cause fees to be hidden or create conflicts of interest. Not us.  Our goal is to lower your taxes, maximize your benefits, and make sure you can retire without worry. For more info about our fees, click here. 


Can you meet virtually and work with people in other locations?


Yep! We work with people from all over the U.S. as well as many federal employees who are stationed overseas.


What areas do you help your clients with?


Great question. Here are the 5 areas that we help our clients with:


-Retirement Planning: Planning for the day when work is optional


-Investment Planning: Building wealth for your future


-Tax Strategy: Taking advantage of opportunities in the tax law


-Insurance Planning: Protecting your loved ones and what you’ve already built


-Estate Planning: Planning for those you leave behind

One thing we found that clients really appreciate is that no other financial advisor is able to help them with their federal benefits as well as the rest of their financial lives like we can.

Are You Maximizing Your TSP?
Free TSP eBook

Building Wealth in The TSP

Your TSP is such a powerful tool to retire confident and comfortable but unfortunately I have seen so many federal employees make huge TSP mistakes over and over again.