
Why People Aren’t Taking Social Security at 62 Anymore

Social Security is a very different program from what it once was. 


The program began in the 1930s when the average life expectancy was 58 for men and 62 for women.


And back then, when was the earliest they could start benefits? Age 65. 


Change is Coming


In 1956 women were given the ability to collect a reduced benefit at age 62 and men got this option as well in 1961.


And in the 1980s almost 50% of people filed right at age 62. 


But in 2021, only 25% of people filed right at 62.


What is happening? Why are people waiting? 

The Big 3


There are 3 main reasons why people are choosing to delay their benefits now more than ever. 


More Reductions


One of the biggest factors that determine how much you’ll get from Social Security is your FRA (Full Retirement Age).


This age is based on your birth year (see chart below) and it has slowly changed from 65 to 67.


Your FRA is the age you can get your “full” benefits and taking benefits before then will cause a benefit reduction and taking benefits later would cause an increase. 


The Bottom Line: The higher your FRA, the more reductions you get for filing for benefits at 62 which has pushed people to want to delay to avoid these reductions. 

You Look Great For Your Age


People are working and living longer everyday. 


And if someone is working into their 60’s then it is less likely that they’ll draw Social Security benefits early as they still have income. 


And the longer you expect to live the more it makes sense to delay benefits as you have more time to collect the bigger benefit.


Internet Making us Smarter


The one thing that the internet does so well is it spreads information. 


And as more information about how Social Security actually works has gotten to the masses people have been able to make more informed decisions about their benefits. 

Obviously not all the advice on the internet is good advice but overall it has been a net positive. 


Final Thoughts


But even now there are many situations where taking benefits right at 62 is simply the best decision. 

And while everyone has unique needs, here is an article about the main things to consider when deciding when to file.