
The Crazy Retirement Rules for Customs and Border Protection Officers

Summarized Bullet Points


  1. CBP Officers hired after 7/06/2008 are normal Special Provisions

    1. Explain normal Special Provision Retirement eligibility

    2. Mandatory retirement age is when you hit both 57 and 20 years

    3. Not all CBP employees are special provisions

      1. “Whose duties include activities relating to the arrival and departure of persons, conveyances, and merchandise at Ports of Entry.


  1. CBP Officers hired before 7/06/2008 have different rules

    1. Normal FERS retirement rules (MRA+30, 60+20, 62+5)

    2. But get 1.7% multiplier for all post-2008 special provision time up to 20 years

      1. Will get 1% for all other time unless retire with 62+20 then will get 1.1% for all extra time 

    3. No mandatory retirement age

  1. Why would a bunch of people retire in 2028?

    1. That is 20 years after the law changed and 20 years would max out 1.7%

      1. Does not necessarily mean you’re eligible to retire at 20 years like your special provision counterparts but you could be if you are at least 60. 


-Pre-July 2008 hires can get a bigger multiplier for post-2008 special provision time (up to 20 years) but they don’t get the “early” retirement benefits of normal special provisions. But they don’t have a mandatory retirement age.

-Post-July 2008 hires are normal special provisions.