
The 5 Secrets The Happiest FERS Retirees Know

Success leaves clues. 


And the research is in on what makes a successful and happy federal retiree. 


Here are the 5 secrets that almost all happy retirees have in common.


#1 – Core Pursuits


There are many things that can give your life meaning. When people have plans and goals in their life, they have purpose and meaning. The big life plans/goals can be called “core pursuits”. Take a moment to think of yours. What are your big plans or goals in life?


Let’s go through some examples. Many people find purpose in getting better at sports including pickleball, tennis, golf, swimming, biking, etc. Others find purpose in playing an instrument like the piano, trumpet, guitar, etc. Some love other hobbies such as traveling the world, reading, puzzles, art, service, etc. 


Data suggests that the happiest retirees have an average of 3.6 core pursuits while the unhappiest retirees have 1.9 core pursuits. Not everyone is the same, but having 3-4 core pursuits is statistically the way to be happier in retirement. 


When we say “core pursuits” we don’t mean just any activity that you do. It has to be something that you’re passionate about. It should be something that you do consistently. Of course, your core pursuits might change over time, but you can always replace it with something else.


#2 – Marriage


Being married can increase your odds of being happier in retirement. Every marriage is different and we’re definitely not assuming that every couple’s relationship is perfect and happy. But, statistically speaking, retirees are 4.5 times more likely to be unhappy if they’re unmarried. Also, non-divorced people generally have more money. Some estimate that divorce lowers their wealth by 70%.


#3 – Being Close to Kids


For those retirees that don’t have kids, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a happy retirement. But, data suggests that retirees are happier when they live near at least 50% of their kids. The more kids that you’re close to, the better.


#4 – Close Relationships


Having close relationships increases your happiness exponentially. This could include your family but also your friends. Many retirees have friends through sports, hobbies, traveling, or long time friends. 


Note: You will notice that 3 out of the 5 ways to have a happier retirement has to do with relationships. Relationships are very important to having a life/retirement with meaning and purpose.


#5 – Church


Going to church is a proven way to improve happiness. Some people go to church just a couple times a year while others go several times a week. The data shows that people who attend a place of worship once a week are the happiest. 


Retirement vs Career


These 5 tips to becoming happier in retirement are not just for retirees. Even during your career, these things can make you happier as well. In fact, it is good to think ahead and maybe rearrange your life if you have no time for these 5 things. Having a successful career is important but so is your happiness in life. 


Finding the Balance


Finding the right balance between your career and other things can be difficult. If you don’t devote time to yourself and others, it can be hard to be happy no matter how great your career is. But, if you don’t devote enough time to your career and financial situation, having time for other things might be difficult and stressful if you don’t have money. Money is the foundation of a great career and retirement. Being financially stable allows you to enjoy the other parts of your life.



There may be many other things that contribute to your happiness. Nobody is the same. Trying to find what gives you purpose and meaningfulness in your life might not be the same as others. Try different things out and see what works for you. Hopefully this article gave you a few ideas to live a more fulfilling life.