
Should You Really Stay in TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) in Retirement?

  1. Can I roll over a portion of my TSP to an IRA vs the entire account?


  1. Should I keep my money in the TSP in retirement or roll it over to an IRA for better gains?


Helpful Article: https://hawsfederaladvisors.com/tsp-vs-ira-the-ultimate-guide/#:~:text=One%20major%20difference%20between%20these,you%20invest%20in%20an%20IRA.


  1. Am I eligible to retire at age 54 with 30 years of service under FERS? How does this affect my pension and social security?


  1. Is it wise to wait and file for social security the month after I receive my unused annual leave check? I don’t want the amount to be counted as income and affect my social security amount.


  1. If 100% of my retirement money is located in a regular TSP account is it possible for me to transfer it all to a Roth TSP? And lastly, if that is possible would it even be a smart move?


  1. I am in the special retirement category but I have never heard of the 10% bonus you have mentioned? I am guessing it doesn’t apply to special retirement employees?


  1. Is there any benefit to retiring at the end of January which would mean locking in a full payday in the new year with the first of the year pay raise?