
Q&A: The Price You Actually Get When You Trade in The TSP


Hi. New subscriber here and now a regular viewer.

What closing price do we get when we do an interfund transfer? Is it that day when we submit the interfund transfer request, or the next day? I kinda know the answer but I’m not so sure. Hope you can help. Thanks



According to the TSP, interfund transfers “made on this website or the ThriftLine before 12 noon Eastern time are generally processed as of that business day. Requests made after 12 noon Eastern time are generally processed the next business day.”


Can a LEO (special provision) retire after 25 years and access their TSP before the age of 50? Thanks



As special provision FERS you can not access your TSP before age 50 without a 10% penalty. As long as you retire in the year you turn 50 or later (this would be age 55 for traditional FERS) then you can access your TSP without penalty.


However, if you retire before age 50 (age 55 for traditional FERS) then you would have to wait until 59 and ½ to access TSP without penalty. 


I took out a general TSP loan earlier this year. I am now considering retirement (I am 57 with 36 years – full MRA). Do I have to pay off my TSP loan before retirement?



You don’t have to pay back your TSP loan before retirement but if you have a loan balance at retirement then they will count it as if you took your loan balance out as withdrawal and you will have to pay taxes on that withdrawal.