
I Bonds: How to Get an Almost Guaranteed 7.12% Return

I bonds have now been thrown into the spotlight after being in the shadows for many years. 


And that is because they are now returning 7.12%!! 


Yeah, seriously. 


To put that in perspective, the G fund only earned about 1.3% in 2021.


The reason I bonds are returning so much right now is because they are meant to track inflation and inflation was crazy in 2021!


But before investing in them, you are going to want to know all the details.


Here are the main pros and cons: 



  • They are returning 7.12% right now and other safe investments don’t get even close to that. 

  • Really Safe



  • The rate does adjust every 6 months so if inflation goes down then so could the rate of return (but lower inflation is a good thing). 

  • You can buy $10,000 per person per year and you have to buy it from treasurydirect.gov which can make it a pain to buy and redeem.

  • You can’t redeem within the first year and if you sell within 5 years then you lose 3 months worth of interest