
Frequently Asked Questions

We are a commission-free (fee-only) financial planning firm, specializing in helping FERS federal employees. Our fees depend on the complexity of your financial situation and are always transparent. Unlike commission-based advisors, we don’t earn hidden fees. Our aim is simple: lower your taxes, maximize your benefits, and create a path to retirement without worry or stress.

Absolutely! We work with federal employees across the U.S. and those stationed overseas. Virtual meetings allow us to connect no matter where you are.

We provide comprehensive financial planning services across these five key areas:

  • Retirement Planning: Preparing for a future where work is optional
  • Investment Planning: Building wealth to support your goals
  • Tax Strategy: Leveraging tax laws to reduce your lifetime tax burden
  • Insurance Planning: Protecting your loved ones and securing what you’ve built
  • Estate Planning: Creating a legacy for those you leave behind

Other Questions?

Feel free to contact us anytime at service@hawsfinancialplanning.com. We’re here to help!

Are You Maximizing Your TSP?
Free TSP eBook

Building Wealth in The TSP

Your TSP is such a powerful tool to retire confident and comfortable but unfortunately I have seen so many federal employees make huge TSP mistakes over and over again.