
Client Case Studies

We take client privacy very seriously so none of the following cases are actual client situations. These case studies are meant to be examples of what our services might look like in some circumstances.

Case Study #1: John and Amy

Ages: 60 and 52

Primary Goals: 

    • Make sure they can afford to retire

    • Travel while they are healthy

    • Visit their kids and grandkids often

Haws Federal Advisors | Client Case Studies

John has worked at the VA for 25 years and is ready for a change. He has saved diligently in the TSP but isn’t sure if he can actually afford to retire. Amy has been a stay-at-home mom for most of her career and has recently taken a part-time job now that all her kids have left home. 


When John was young he spent 5 years in the military and isn’t quite sure how that could affect his civilian FERS benefits. 


Their Big Questions:

  • Do they really understand how John’s pension and other benefits will work in retirement?

  • Are they investing their TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) in a way that makes sense for them?

  • Are they doing everything they can to reduce taxes during retirement?




Together, John and Amy were able to accomplish the following:

  • They now understand how John’s federal benefits work and how to get the most out of them in retirement.

  • They now know how to invest their TSP (or other investments) so that they never have to worry about timing the market and so that their money will last as long as they do.

  • They now have a comprehensive plan for everything from Social Security to Estate Planning. 

  • They now feel confident that they can retire and have the lifestyle they want. 

Case Study #2: Michael and Susan


Ages: 56 and 54


Primary Goals: 

  • Turn their TSP into a reliable income stream

  • Avoid the tax consequences that come with a large TSP account

  • Help their kids and grandkids with college expenses

Client Case Studies | Haws Federal Advisors

Michael and Susan are both federal employees and have both enjoyed their careers with the Department of Defense. They are looking to retire in the next couple of years and are excited to start their next stage of life. They have amassed a substantial amount in their TSP accounts and are nervous about the tax consequences. Michael and Susan already work with another advisor but are frustrated that he doesn’t know anything about their federal benefits.


They want to use a portion of their money to help their kids and grandchildren but they aren’t sure what the best way to do that would be. 

Their Big Questions:

  • When can they retire while keeping their health insurance and the FERS supplement?

  • Is the TSP the best option for them to reduce taxes throughout retirement?

  • What is the best strategy for Social Security and Medicare?

  • What planning opportunities are there because they are both federal employees?



Together, Michael and Susan were able to accomplish the following:

  • They now understand when it makes sense to stay in the TSP and when it makes sense to move their money to an IRA.

  • They now have specific strategies to be able to help their kids and grandkids while reducing taxes for everyone. 

  • They now have a comprehensive plan for everything from Social Security to Estate Planning. 

Case Study #3: Linda


Ages: 59


Primary Goals: 

  • Work as long as she enjoys her job

  • Stay active as long as she can

  • Not having to worry about money

Client Case Studies | Haws Federal Advisors

Linda likes her job at the Department of Justice and would like to continue working for as long as she continues to enjoy it. She has many hobbies and interests and volunteers at her church regularly. And while she doesn’t know when she wants to retire she wants to have a plan to make sure she is ready when that time comes.


Her Big Questions:

  • Could she afford to retire today if she decided to and how would working longer affect her retirement plan? 

  • Is it worth considering moving to a different state to lower her taxes and living expenses in retirement?

  • How to have her money go to her nieces and nephews if she passed away?



Together, Linda was able to accomplish the following:


  • She now knows that she can afford to retire today if she wanted to.

  • She now enjoys her job more knowing that she can retire whenever she’d like.

  • She now knows how her investments work and how to pass her money to her desired beneficiaries.

  • She now has a comprehensive plan for everything from Social Security to Estate Planning.

  • She now understands how her FEHB health insurance will work with Medicare to make sure she has the right coverage when she needs it most. 

Note: The above case studies are hypothetical and do not involve an actual client. No portion of the content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience the same or certain level of results or satisfaction.

Are You Maximizing Your TSP?
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Building Wealth in The TSP

Your TSP is such a powerful tool to retire confident and comfortable but unfortunately I have seen so many federal employees make huge TSP mistakes over and over again.